Enrolling in New Home Banking

1 - Go to www.lococreditunion.com, click on the button for Online Banking, and you will be redirected to our new home banking site. Once the site pulls up,click the Enroll link. (The website may take a moment to load.)

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2 - Enter your account number, email (this must be the email attached to your account), and date of birth. Check the disclosure box and hit Sign Up.

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3 - Once entered, you will be given this alert.  Go to your email and use  the temporary password you find there to log in.

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Once logged in, it will ask you to change your password. You will need to use  the temporary password from your email as the "current password"

4 - Set up your desired Security Questions. You can choose from an  assortment of questions.  

Also, choose a confidence word. (This word will always appear when logging in. If this word does not appear when logging in DO NOT PROCEED.)

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Example of Confidence Word when logging in.

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Every time you login, after entering your password, you will be prompted to answer one of your security questions and to enter the email attached to the account. You will have the option to "Remember me" which will allow you to log in without answering security questions on that particular device for 90 days, or as long as your browser holds the information

Once logged in, you will be able to see your accounts, and balances. You may click on your account types to see transaction history.

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At the top of your screen, there is a toolbar. This toolbar includes  Accounts, Transfers, BillPay, and a More drop-down menu. You will also see at the top right of the screen, icons for: 

Account Alerts 

Secure Messages

Profile Settings

Under Profile Settings, you will be able to update your email address, phone number, and sign up for e-Notices, e-Statements, and more!

Downloading Mobile Banking for Apple and Android

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Open app. Enter your username (member number) and password.  

You have the option to Enable Face ID (Apple) or fingerprint (Android) for faster login. 

If you have already enrolled in home banking, you will not need to enroll again in mobile banking. The enrollment instructions are the same for both platforms.

Once logged in, you will be able to see your accounts and balances.  If you tap the three lines in the top left corner... 

You will be able to view more options and functions in the side menu.